Abiotic Factor

by venom

Ringkasan Game


In Abiotic Factor, you step into the shoes of a scientist at GATE, a global network of secretive research laboratories. Your role involves pushing the boundaries of human knowledge, exploring the unexplainable, and managing anomalies and paranormal entities. However, after a catastrophic containment breach, your workplace has transformed into a cosmic battleground.

Key Features:

  • Survival and Crafting: Up to 6 players can explore a massive subterranean complex filled with supernatural artifacts, transdimensional foes, and failed science experiments. Use your PhD to craft innovative tools, weapons, and gear, from simple nets to advanced laser cannons and traps.
  • Character Progression: Choose from various PhDs, such as Plant Geneticist, Defense Analyst, and Structural Engineer. Each role has unique advantages essential for survival. Level up to gain perks and abilities, and combine skills with fellow scientists to form a powerful team.
  • Exploration and Base Building: Scavenge resources, raid vending machines, and repurpose company property to build and expand your base of operations. Use handcarts, forklifts, SUVs, and teleporters to move your belongings and adapt your environment as needed.
  • Dynamic Challenges: Face threats from alien creatures, trigger-happy soldiers, and advanced robotic security forces. As a scientist, outwit your opponents by leveraging your scientific knowledge to craft effective solutions.
  • Interdimensional Adventure: Explore not only the vast underground facility but also other worlds beyond. Utilize advanced technology to navigate and survive in this interdimensional sci-fi adventure.

Bahasa Indonesia

Dalam Abiotic Factor, Anda akan menjadi ilmuwan di GATE, jaringan global laboratorium penelitian rahasia. Tugas Anda meliputi memperluas pengetahuan manusia, mengeksplorasi hal-hal yang tidak bisa dijelaskan, dan mengelola anomali serta entitas paranormal. Namun, setelah kebocoran penahanan yang katastrofis, tempat kerja Anda berubah menjadi medan pertempuran kosmik.

Fitur Utama:

  • Survival dan Crafting: Hingga 6 pemain dapat menjelajahi kompleks bawah tanah yang luas, penuh dengan artefak supernatural, musuh transdimensi, dan eksperimen ilmiah yang gagal. Gunakan PhD Anda untuk membuat alat, senjata, dan peralatan inovatif, dari jaring sederhana hingga senjata laser dan perangkap canggih.
  • Pengembangan Karakter: Pilih dari berbagai PhD, seperti Genetika Tanaman, Analis Pertahanan, dan Insinyur Struktur. Setiap peran memiliki keuntungan unik yang penting untuk bertahan hidup. Naik level untuk mendapatkan keahlian dan kemampuan, dan gabungkan keterampilan dengan ilmuwan lain untuk membentuk tim yang kuat.
  • Eksplorasi dan Pembangunan Basis: Cari sumber daya, serbu mesin penjual otomatis, dan manfaatkan properti perusahaan untuk membangun dan memperluas basis operasi Anda. Gunakan handcart, forklift, SUV, dan teleporter untuk memindahkan barang-barang Anda dan menyesuaikan lingkungan Anda sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Tantangan Dinamis: Hadapi ancaman dari makhluk alien, tentara yang mudah meledak, dan pasukan keamanan robotik canggih. Sebagai ilmuwan, atasi lawan Anda dengan memanfaatkan pengetahuan ilmiah Anda untuk menciptakan solusi yang efektif.
  • Petualangan Interdimensional: Jelajahi tidak hanya fasilitas bawah tanah yang luas tetapi juga dunia lain di luar. Manfaatkan teknologi canggih untuk menavigasi dan bertahan dalam petualangan sci-fi interdimensional ini.

System Requirements


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 or later
  • Processor: i5-8th Gen CPU or similar
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 950 or Radeon HD 7970
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: These are tentative and not final. ABF runs on Unreal Engine 5 and the specifications will be suggested accordingly closer to release. This will probably not run on your PC from 1997.


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 or later
  • Processor: i5-11th Gen CPU or similar
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce RTX 2080 or better
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: These are tentative and not final. ABF runs on Unreal Engine 5 and the specifications will be suggested accordingly closer to release. This will probably not run on your PC from 1997.

Kalau suka dengan gamenya, jangan lupa untuk membelinya agar membantu developernya ya~

DOWNLOAD-Terabox (Faster Speed)
DOWNLOAD-Qiwi (Normal Speed)

Password: www.triahgames.com

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